This blog is a place where fellow colleagues can go to obtain research, read articles, gain insight, laugh a little and find useful tools and tips. I love discussion and want to hear your opinion as well, whether it supports or challenges the posted view. The field of social work is not a walk in the park, and we need the support of others to make it through.
I am a Military Spouse who has had 12 years of experience learning how to juggle a career while moving every few years. I have experience in School Social Work, Private Practice, Community Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Hospital Social Work, Hospice and Home Health. I hold both a Master's and Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a specialization in Trauma.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Wings of Strength

From her first breath, the odds are against her
All types of predators are looking to destroy her

In order to stay alive, she must move,
Move to breath, move to live

She eats, She grows, She survives

She finds a safe place to hide
Not to hide out of fear, but to prepare for her transformation
She chooses a calculated spot
She must have some intrinsic knowledge deep within
She attaches herself to a silk button and then,

Lets go

Her whole life has been in preparation for this one moment
A true Metamorphosis
Deep inside she knows she is something beautiful
She sheds her skin for the final time

What appears to an outsider as death, is just the beginning of her rebirth
If you watch very closely, you will see small tiny movements
She is still alive, she is still fighting

As the chrysalis transforms from a jeweled green exterior
to a thin clear shell

It is almost time

She breaks free and hangs from the empty shell of whom she once was

Just a shell of her past, not a dictator of her future

She begins to stretch her soft wrinkled wings
She starts to pump them, stretch them...

Until they are transformed into symbols of strength

And when the time is right,
she takes flight

She is free

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Trauma Informed Care {Tonier Cain}

I had the privilege yesterday to see Tonier Cain at a conference in Jacksonville, FL.  I previously had heard bits of her story, however I was not prepared for the first person account of this amazing woman and her tragic, but redeeming story.  Her book, "Healing Neen" is available here if interested in purchasing it.  The full length documentary is available for purchase here.

Tonier walks through her early childhood and describes a lifelong history of neglect, physical and sexual abuse, abandonment and then later drug use, prostitution and many, many incarcerations.  Tonier recounts the system "failing me."  The system focused on what she was doing, rather than what may have been done to her.

It was a turning point in her life when someone (who was trained in trauma informed care) actually asked her, "what happened to you" rather than "what's wrong with you."

As Social Workers and Mental Health Counselors, it is our obligation to provide "best practice."  I love that so much research and support is now coming out to support the Trauma Informed Care model.

For example, a 35 year old caucasian female comes in for intake.  She is court ordered to do Substance Abuse treatment following her 5th arrest for possession.  She meets clinical criteria to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Polysubstance Dependency.  I could easily fill in her diagnosis based solely on the symptoms I see and send her on her way with an appointment card.  Or instead, I can listen to her story and ask questions with the mental framework, that this broken and hurting woman in front of me may have experienced something very traumatic.  It may not be that this person decided to start using cocaine for the heck of it, but rather because she is self-medicating to cover up deep seeded pain.  Pain so deep that she may not even be able to identify where it all comes from.  It is MY JOB as the professional to believe her and to hear her story.

The following definition is from the Trauma Informed Care Project:

"Trauma Informed Care is an organizational structure and treatment framework that involves understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma."

SAMHSA offers a free PDF document on Trauma Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services here.  It is long, but a really good read and explains the premise behind Trauma Informed Care well and in a comprehensive manner.

Just this morning, I ran across this article from the United Kingdom:

The Trauma Informed Care framework is out there, even internationally, and that makes me so happy.

Here are some additional resources regarding Trauma Informed Care.

If you have been to a Trauma Informed Care training or have resources you would like to share, please comment below.  I would love to have a running document full of wonderful resources to be available for you all.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Vocal Social Worker

My name is Corrie and I am the "Vocal Social Worker."

This blog is a place where fellow colleagues can go to obtain research, read articles, gain insight, laugh a little and find useful tools and tips.  I love discussion and want to hear your opinion as well, whether it supports or challenges the posted view.  The field of social work is not a walk in the park, and we need the support of others to make it through.

This is my voice.